Other languages

One of the aims of ryml is to provide an efficient YAML API for other languages. JavaScript is fully available, and there is already a cursory implementation for Python using only the low-level API. After ironing out the general approach, other languages are likely to follow (all of this is possible because we’re using SWIG, which makes it easy to do so).


A JavaScript+WebAssembly port is available, compiled through emscripten. Here’s a quick example of how to compile ryml with emscripten using emcmake:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/biojppm/rapidyaml
cd rapidyaml
emcmake cmake -S . -B build \

Here’s a quick example on how to configure, compile and run the tests using emscripten:

cd rapidyaml
emcmake cmake -S . -B build/emscripten \
   -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
cmake --build build/emscripten --target ryml-test-run -j


(Note that this is a work in progress. Additions will be made and things will be changed.) With that said, here’s an example of the Python API:

import ryml

# ryml cannot accept strings because it does not take ownership of the
# source buffer; only bytes or bytearrays are accepted.
src = b"{HELLO: a, foo: b, bar: c, baz: d, seq: [0, 1, 2, 3]}"

def check(tree):
    # for now, only the index-based low-level API is implemented
    assert tree.size() == 10
    assert tree.root_id() == 0
    assert tree.first_child(0) == 1
    assert tree.next_sibling(1) == 2
    assert tree.first_sibling(5) == 2
    assert tree.last_sibling(1) == 5
    # use bytes objects for queries
    assert tree.find_child(0, b"foo") == 1
    assert tree.key(1) == b"foo")
    assert tree.val(1) == b"b")
    assert tree.find_child(0, b"seq") == 5
    assert tree.is_seq(5)
    # to loop over children:
    for i, ch in enumerate(ryml.children(tree, 5)):
        assert tree.val(ch) == [b"0", b"1", b"2", b"3"][i]
    # to loop over siblings:
    for i, sib in enumerate(ryml.siblings(tree, 5)):
        assert tree.key(sib) == [b"HELLO", b"foo", b"bar", b"baz", b"seq"][i]
    # to walk over all elements
    visited = [False] * tree.size()
    for n, indentation_level in ryml.walk(tree):
        # just a dumb emitter
        left = "  " * indentation_level
        if tree.is_keyval(n):
           print("{}{}: {}".format(left, tree.key(n), tree.val(n))
        elif tree.is_val(n):
           print("- {}".format(left, tree.val(n))
        elif tree.is_keyseq(n):
           print("{}{}:".format(left, tree.key(n))
        visited[inode] = True
    assert False not in visited
    # NOTE about encoding!
    k = tree.get_key(5)
    print(k)  # '<memory at 0x7f80d5b93f48>'
    assert k == b"seq"               # ok, as expected
    assert k != "seq"                # not ok - NOTE THIS!
    assert str(k) != "seq"           # not ok
    assert str(k, "utf8") == "seq"   # ok again

# parse immutable buffer
tree = ryml.parse_in_arena(src)
check(tree) # OK

# parse mutable buffer.
# requires bytearrays or objects offering writeable memory
mutable = bytearray(src)
tree = ryml.parse_in_place(mutable)
check(tree) # OK

As expected, the performance results so far are encouraging. In a timeit benchmark compared against PyYaml and ruamel.yaml, ryml parses quicker by generally 100x and up to 400x:

| style_seqs_blck_outer1000_inner100.yml | count | time(ms) | avg(ms)  | avg(MB/s) |
| parse:RuamelYamlParse                  |     1 | 4564.812 | 4564.812 |     0.173 |
| parse:PyYamlParse                      |     1 | 2815.426 | 2815.426 |     0.280 |
| parse:RymlParseInArena                 |    38 |  588.024 |   15.474 |    50.988 |
| parse:RymlParseInArenaReuse            |    38 |  466.997 |   12.289 |    64.202 |
| parse:RymlParseInPlace                 |    38 |  579.770 |   15.257 |    51.714 |
| parse:RymlParseInPlaceReuse            |    38 |  462.932 |   12.182 |    64.765 |

(Note that the parse timings above are somewhat biased towards ryml, because it does not perform any type conversions in Python-land: return types are merely memoryviews to the source buffer, possibly copied to the tree’s arena).

As for emitting, the improvement can be as high as 3000x:

| style_maps_blck_outer1000_inner100.yml | count |  time(ms) |  avg(ms)  | avg(MB/s) |
| emit_yaml:RuamelYamlEmit               |     1 | 18149.288 | 18149.288 |     0.054 |
| emit_yaml:PyYamlEmit                   |     1 |  2683.380 |  2683.380 |     0.365 |
| emit_yaml:RymlEmitToNewBuffer          |    88 |   861.726 |     9.792 |    99.976 |
| emit_yaml:RymlEmitReuse                |    88 |   437.931 |     4.976 |   196.725 |