YAML standard conformance

ryml is feature complete with regards to the YAML specification. All the YAML features are well covered in the unit tests, and expected to work, unless in the exceptions noted below.

Of course, there are many dark corners in YAML, and there certainly can appear cases which ryml fails to parse. Your bug reports or pull requests are very welcome.


If you do run into trouble and would like to investigate conformance of your YAML code, do not use existing online YAML linters, many of which are not fully conformant; instead, try using https://play.yaml.io, an amazing tool which lets you dynamically input your YAML and continuously see the results from all the existing parsers (kudos to @ingydotnet and the people from the YAML test suite). And of course, if you detect anything wrong with ryml, please open an issue so that we can improve.

Deliberate deviations

ryml deliberately makes no effort to follow the standard in the following situations:

  • ryml’s tree does NOT accept containers are as mapping keys: keys must be scalars. HOWEVER, this is a limitation only of the tree. The event-based parser engine DOES parse container keys. The parser engine is the result of a recent refactor and its usage is meant to be used by other programming languages to create their native data-structures. This engine is fully tested and fully conformant (other than the general error permissiveness noted below). But because it is recent, it is still undocumented, and it requires some API cleanup before being ready for isolated use. Please get in touch if you are interested in integrating the event-based parser engine without the standalone ryml::parse_*()

  • Tab characters after : and - are not accepted tokens, unless ryml is compiled with the macro RYML_WITH_TAB_TOKENS. This requirement exists because checking for tabs introduces branching into the parser’s hot code and in some cases costs as much as 10% in parsing time.

  • Non-unique map keys are allowed. Enforcing key uniqueness in the parser or in the tree would cause log-linear parsing complexity (for root children on a mostly flat tree), and would increase code size through added structural, logical and cyclomatic complexity. So enforcing uniqueness in the parser would hurt users who may not care about it (they may not care either because non-uniqueness is OK for their use case, or because it is impossible to occur). On the other hand, any user who requires uniqueness can easily enforce it by doing a post-parse walk through the tree. So choosing to not enforce key uniqueness adheres to the spirit of “don’t pay for what you don’t use”.

  • %YAML directives have no effect and are ignored.

  • %TAG directives are limited to a default maximum of 4 instances per Tree. To increase this maximum, define the preprocessor symbol RYML_MAX_TAG_DIRECTIVES to a suitable value. This arbitrary limit reflects the usual practice of having at most 1 or 2 tag directives; also, be aware that this feature is under consideration for removal in YAML 1.3.

Known (unintended) deviations

ryml tends to be on the permissive side in several cases where the YAML standard dictates that there should be an error; in many of these cases, ryml will tolerate the input without producing an error. This is being improved on, meaning ryml will grow progressively less tolerant of YAML errors in the coming releases. So we strongly suggest to stay away from those dark corners of YAML which are generally a source of problems; this is good practice anyway.

YAML test suite

As part of its CI testing, ryml uses the YAML test suite. This is an extensive set of reference cases covering the full YAML spec. Each of these cases have several subparts:

  • in-yaml: mildly, plainly or extremely difficult-to-parse YAML

  • in-json: equivalent JSON (where possible/meaningful)

  • out-yaml: equivalent standard YAML

  • emit-yaml: equivalent standard YAML

  • events: reference results (ie, expected tree)

When testing, ryml parses each of the 4 yaml/json parts, then emits the parsed tree, then parses the emitted result and verifies that emission is idempotent, ie that the emitted result is semantically the same as its input without any loss of information. To ensure consistency, this happens over four levels of parse/emission pairs. And to ensure correctness, each of the stages is compared against the events spec from the test, which constitutes the reference. The tests also check for equality between the reference events in the test case and the events emitted by ryml from the data tree parsed from the test case input. All of this is then carried out combining several variations: both unix \n vs windows \r\n line endings, emitting to string, file or streams, which results in ~250 tests per case part. With multiple parts per case and ~400 reference cases in the test suite, this makes over several hundred thousand individual tests to which ryml is subjected, which are added to the unit tests in ryml, which also employ the same extensive combinatorial approach.

Also, note that in their own words, the tests from the YAML test suite contain a lot of edge cases that don’t play such an important role in real world examples. And yet, despite the extreme focus of the test suite, currently ryml only fails a minor fraction of the test cases, mostly related with the deliberate limitations noted above. Other than those limitations, by far the main issue with ryml is that several standard-mandated parse errors fail to materialize. For the up-to-date list of ryml failures in the test-suite, refer to the list of known exceptions from ryml’s test suite runner, which is used as part of ryml’s CI process.