
Or ryml, for short. ryml is a C++ library to parse and emit YAML, and do it fast, on everything from x64 to bare-metal chips without operating system.

And if you’re wondering whether ryml’s speed comes at the cost of usability, you need not: with ryml, you can have your cake and eat it too. Being rapid is definitely NOT the same as being unpractical, so ryml was written with easy AND efficient usage in mind.

ryml is available both as a single header file, or as a simple library with cmake – both separately (ie build -> install -> find_package()) or together with your project (ie with add_subdirectory()). (See below for examples).

ryml can use custom global and per-tree memory allocators and error handler callbacks, and is exception-agnostic. ryml provides a default implementation for the allocator (using std::malloc()) and error handlers (using either exceptions or std::abort()), but you can opt out the default implementation and provide your own memory allocation and error callbacks.

For maximum portability, ryml does not depend on the STL, ie, it does not use any std container as part of its data structures. But ryml can serialize and deserialize these containers into the data tree, with the use of optional headers. ryml ships with c4core, a small C++ utilities multiplatform library.

ryml is written in C++11, and compiles cleanly with:

  • Visual Studio 2015 and later

  • clang++ 3.9 and later

  • g++ 4.8 and later

  • Intel Compiler


If you are looking to use an YAML tree with override facilities as the configuration for your programs, take a look at c4conf.

Table of contents

API teaser

Here’s a short teaser from the API quickstart overview (see on doxygen / see full code on github):

// Parse YAML code in place, potentially mutating the buffer:
char yml_buf[] = "{foo: 1, bar: [2, 3], john: doe}";
ryml::Tree tree = ryml::parse_in_place(yml_buf);

// read from the tree:
ryml::NodeRef bar = tree["bar"];
CHECK(bar[0].val() == "2");
CHECK(bar[1].val() == "3");
CHECK(bar[0].val().str == yml_buf + 15); // points at the source buffer
CHECK(bar[1].val().str == yml_buf + 18);

// deserializing:
int bar0 = 0, bar1 = 0;
bar[0] >> bar0;
bar[1] >> bar1;
CHECK(bar0 == 2);
CHECK(bar1 == 3);

// serializing:
bar[0] << 10; // creates a string in the tree's arena
bar[1] << 11;
CHECK(bar[0].val() == "10");
CHECK(bar[1].val() == "11");

// add nodes
bar.append_child() << 12; // see also operator= (explanation below)
CHECK(bar[2].val() == "12");

// emit tree
// to std::string
CHECK(ryml::emitrs_yaml<std::string>(tree) == R"(foo: 1
  - 10
  - 11
  - 12
john: doe
std::cout << tree; // emit to stdout
ryml::emit_yaml(tree, stdout); // emit to file

// emit node
ryml::ConstNodeRef foo = tree["foo"];
// to std::string
CHECK(ryml::emitrs_yaml<std::string>(foo) == "foo: 1\n");
std::cout << foo; // emit node to stdout
ryml::emit_yaml(foo, stdout); // emit node to file


Please refer to the Doxygen documentation, and read the overview sample; this will quickly teach you the basic concepts and caveats, which will save you a lot of time.


Try the quickstart!

First create this CMakeLists.txt:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13)
project(my-quickstart LANGUAGES CXX)
    GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/biojppm/rapidyaml.git
    GIT_TAG v0.6.0
    GIT_SHALLOW FALSE  # ensure submodules are checked out
add_executable(my-quickstart ${ryml_SOURCE_DIR}/samples/quickstart.cpp)
target_link_libraries(my-quickstart ryml::ryml)
add_custom_target(run my-quickstart
    COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:my-quickstart>
    DEPENDS my-quickstart)

Now run the following commands in the same folder:

# configure the project
cmake -S . -B build
# build and run
cmake --build build --target ryml-quickstart -j
# optionally, open in your IDE
cmake --open build